We have collated a list of 306 frequently used and mispronounced words for you, where alongside every word is it's pronunciation in a simplified way, rather than in phonetics. Just put stress on the syllable in capitals to get the right pronunciation. You may either stretch or raise the volume of your voice on the capitalized syllable.
- Absolutely - aeb-suh-LOOT-li
- Academics - aec-a-DEM-ics (Any word that ends in ---ic, ---ics, ---ical, ---ically, stress on the syllable just before it)
- Academy - a-CAD-a-mee
- Acid - ASS-id
- Account - a-COUNT (not 'Eccount')
- Activate - ACT-i-vate
- Actually - AEK-chu'uh-li (not ec)
- Addition - a-DIH-shn (not ADD-ishn) (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Address - ADD-ress OR a-DRESS (Not 'ed')
- Adjustable - ud-JUST-tb-bl
- Admitted - ud-MITT-id
- Adult - u-DULT or AE-dlt
- Advantage - ud-VAAN-tij
- Advertisement - add-VER-tiz-mnt
- Aged - AYJ’d
- Agency - AY-jn-see
- Agreement - a-GREE-mnt
- Alert - uh-LERT
- Allergy - AE-ler-jee
- Allows - a-LAOW (not ellow)
- Already - all-RED-ee
- Alsatian - ael-SAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Alternative - Al-TER-nuh-tiv
- America - uh-MEH-ri-kaa
- Apologize - a-PAUL-a-jize
- Applicable - ae-PLIC-uh-bl
- Appreciation - a-pree-cee-AY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Appropriate - a-PRO-pri-ut
- Approximate - a-PROX-i-mt
- Arabic - AER-uh-bic
- Artificial - are-ti-FISH-ul (Any word that FISH in it, remember to stress on it)
- Assess - a-SESS
- Asset - ASS-set
- Asthma - AZMA
- Atmosphere - AT-ms-phere
- Avail - a-VAIL
- Available - a-VELL-a-bl
- Avenue - AE-ven-you
- Awry - a-RYE
- Balloon - bl-OON
- Bandage - BAN-dj
- Beginning - big-IN-ing
- Bondage - BON-dj
- Bough - BAAow (like Pow- wow, not like go)
- Bowl - BOH’l (like goal)
- Breakfast - BREK-f’st
- Brochure - bro-SHORE
- Buffet - BOO-fay or BUH-fay
- Bury - BERR-i
- Cabin - CAB-in
- Calendar - CAL-ln-der
- Career - cr-EE-er
- Cassette - k-SETT
- Catastrophe - c't-ASS-truh-fee
- Chassis - CHAE-si (chae like cat)
- Chic - (French) SHEEK
- Chores - CHOrz (not kores)
- Collateral - cl-LAT-er-rl
- Comfortable - CUMF-t-bl
- Commercial - cm-MER-shl
- Communicate - cm-MEW-ni-cate
- Communication - cm-mew-ni-KAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Compatability - cum-pae-t-BIL-it-ee
- Compensation - com-pen-SAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Competition - com-pt-TISH-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Competitive - cm-PET-a-tiv
- Component - Cm-POE-n’nt
- Compound - COM-pound (noun)
- Compound - cum-POUND (verb)
- Computer - cum-PEW-ter
- Concept - CON-cept
- Conclude - cn-CLUDE
- Condemnation - con-dm-NAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Condition - cn-DI-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Condominium - con-dm-IN-ym
- Conference - CON-frens
- Configuration - cn-fig-ya-RAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Confirmation - con-fur-MAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Conflict - CON-flict
- Congratulations - kng-rae-ch-LAY-shns (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Consultancy - cun-SUL-t’n-si
- Contact - CON-tact
- Content - (noun) CON-tent
- Content - (verb) Cn-TENT
- Continue - cn-TIN-new
- Contract - CON-tract (noun)
- Contract - cn-TRACT (verb)
- Controversy - cun-TRAW-ver-si
- Conversation - con-ver-SAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Corporation - cor-po-RAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Corrupt - k-RRUPT
- Cough - CAWf (like of)
- Coverage - KUV-rj
- Creature - CREE-cher (like teacher)
- Credit - CRE-dit
- Customer - KUS-t-mer
- Cycle - SIGH-cl
- Data - DAY-ta
- Decade - DEC-ade
- Decision - di-SI-zhn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Deficiency - d-FISH-n-see (Any word that FISH in it, remember to stress on it)
- Deliberate - (noun) d-LIB-r’t
- Deliberate - (verb) d-lib-RATE
- Delicate - DEL-i-kt
- Delinquency - d-LIN-kwn-see
- Deliver - d-LIVE-er
- Demon - DEE-mun
- Demonstrate - DEM-un-strate
- Department - di-PART-mnt
- Dependant - d-PEN-dnt
- Desktop - DESK-top
- Detail - DEE-tail
- Development - d-VEL-up-mnt
- Diet - DAA-ay-ut(Triphthong)
- Division - di-VI-zhn
- Drought - drAAOUt (like crowd)
- Draught - drAAft
- Duplex - DYOO-plex
- Dynamism - die-NAE-mism
- Economics - ee-k-NAW-mics (Any word that ends in ---ic, ---ics, ---ical, ---ically, stress on the syllable just before it)
- Economy - i-CAW-n-mee
- Electrician - i-lec-TRI-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Electricity - i-lec-TRI-ci-ty
- Embassy - EM-b'ssi
- Emergency - i-MER-jn-see
- Encore - (French) AAN-core
- Encourage - en-KUR-rj
- Engineer - en-jn-NEE-er
- Enough - i-NUFF
- Entourage - (French) AAN-tew-razh
- Entrée - (French) AAN-tre
- Entrepreneur - aan-tre-pre-NEWR
- Envelop - (verb) en-VEL-lup
- Envelope - AAN-ve-lope / EN-ve-lope
- Environment - En-VI-rn-mnt
- Equipment - i-KWUP-mnt
- Estimate - ES-tm-mt
- Event - i-VENT
- Exam - i-XAEM (like pam)
- Executive - eg-ZEC-ya-tiv
- Expert - EX-pert
- Facial - FAY-shl
- Façade - f-SAAD
- Facility - fs-SIL-a-tee
- Faculty - FAC-l-tee
- Family - FAM-uh-li (like Sam)
- Fantastic - Fan-TASS-tic (Any word that ends in ---ic, ---ics, ---ical, ---ically, stress on the syllable just before it)
- Faux Pas - (French) Fo-PAA (like low-paa)
- Florist - FLAW-rist
- Foreclosure - fore CLO zher
- Forte - for-TAY
- Gherkin - GER-kin
- Government - GOVE-mnt (like love)
- Gram - grAEm ( like Sam, ham, fan)
- Gross - grOHss
- H - AYCH (not etch)
- Hard drive - HARD drive
- Hardware - HARD ware
- Hostel - HOSS-tell (like loss)
- Hostess - HOES-tess (like toe)
- Hotel - ho-TELL
- Icon - i-CAWN
- Idea - i-DEE-a
- Immediately - i-MEE-diat
- Industry - IN-ds-tree
- Information - in-for-MAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Initial - in-ISH-shl
- Initiative - i-NISH-a-tiv
- Inquiry - in-KWY-ree
- Integral - IN-t-grl
- Interest - IN-trst (not trust)
- Interim - IN-ter-im
- Interpret - In-TERR-pret
- Internet - IN-ter-net
- Interrogative - in-terr-AWG-a-tiv
- Irreparable - ir-REP-r-bl
- Jalapeno - Hal-uh-PAY-no
- Kilometer - ki-LAW-mi-ter
- Language - LANG-gu-ij
- Lettuce - LET-iss
- Logistics - Law-JIS-tics (Any word that ends in ---ic, ---ics, ---ical, ---ically, stress on the syllable just before it)
- Lucrative - LOO-cr-tiv
- Maintenance - MAIN-t-nens
- Mandatory - MAN-day-tri / MAN-day-toe-ri
- Maternity - Mt-ER-nt-tee
- Maturity - M-CHYORE-a-tee
- Mauve - MOH-vv (like go)
- Menu - MEN-you
- Messenger - MES-sn-jer
- Methodology - Meth-DAW-l-gi
- Mobile - MO-bile
- Modem - MOE-dm
- Monger - MUN-ger or MON-ger
- Mortgage - MOR-gij
- Mountain - MOUN-t’n
- Naïve - naa-EVE
- Necessary - NES-a-sr-ee
- Necessity - ns-CES-a-tee
- Nuance - NEW-aance
- Official - uh-FISH-ul (Any word that FISH in it, remember to stress on it)
- Only - OWN-li (not ‘awnly’)
- Onion - UN-yn
- Ordinance - OR-dn-nnce
- Origination - a-rij-in-AY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Operating - AW-per-ay-ting
- Occurred - a-CURD
- Opponent - uh-POE-n'nt
- Opportunity - aw-per-CHOO-n(uh)-tee (like copper)
- Opposite - AWP-a-zit
- Oregano - er-IG-uh-no or or-ee-GAE-no
- Orchid - OR-kid
- Parameter - p-RAM-i-ter
- Participate - Per-TIS-i-payt
- Particular - per-TIK-yoo-ler
- Passenger - PAS-sn-jer
- Pedestal - PE-des-tal
- Penalty - PEN-nl-tee
- Percentage - per-SEN-tij
- Petite - (French) p-TEET
- Petrol - PET-rl
- Plumber - PLUH-mmer
- Preliminary - Pri-lim-in-AIR-ee
- Physiology - Fiz(i)-AW-logy
- Police - pu-LEECE
- Potato - p-TAY-toe
- Poverty - PAW-ver-tee
- Private - PRI-vt (not vate)
- Pint - PIEnt (like Pine)
- Pizza - (Italian) PEET-za
- Prefer - Prif-ER
- President - PREZ-a-dent
- Precedent - PRE-si-dent (noun)
- Premise - PRE-miss
- Priority - pry-OR-a-tee
- Process - PROH-cess, PRAW-cess (noun)
- Process - pro-CESS (verb)
- Processor - PRAW-se-sir
- Product - PROH-duct, PRAW-duct
- Probably - PRAW-b'b-lee
- Pronounce - pro-NOUNCE
- Pronunciation - pro-nun-ci-AY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Purchase - PUR-chz
- Psychology - sy-CAW-l-gi
- Question - QUES-chn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Quiet - QuAA-ay-ut (like daa-ay-ut)
- Radar - RAY-dar
- Realize - REE-a-lise
- Really - REE-a-lee
- Receipt - ri-SEAT
- Record - RE-curd (noun)
- Record - ri-CORD (verb)
- Recurring - ri-CURR-ing
- Refer - rif-ER
- Referral - Rif-ER-rl ('er' like bear)
- Referred - ri-FERRD
- Refurbished - REE-fur-bishd
- Registry - RE-jis-tree (like red)
- Reign - RAIN
- Rendezvous - (French) RON-day-voo
- Repetitive - Ri-PET-a-tiv
- Representative - rep-rz-ZEN-t-tiv
- Resource - REE-source
- Sacred - SAYK-r’d
- Salad - SAEL-ed (like pan)
- Suite - SwEEt
- Satire - SAE-tire
- Sentence - SEN-tns
- Sew - SO ( like go)
- Sewer - SOOO-er
- Support - s-PORT
- Satisfaction - sat-iss-FAK-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Software - SOFT-ware
- Screw - SCROO
- Signature - SIG-n(uh)-chr
- Specific - Sp-SIF-fik (Any word that ends in ---ic, ---ics, ---ical, ---ically, stress on the syllable just before it)
- Sponge - SPUN-j
- Statistically - St-TIS-tik-a-li (Any word that ends in ---ic, ---ics, ---ical, ---ically, stress on the syllable just before it)
- Statistics - St-TIS-tics (Any word that ends in ---ic, ---ics, ---ical, ---ically, stress on the syllable just before it)
- Suave - SOOAAV
- Success - sk-CESS
- Suggestion - s-JESS-chn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Suicide - SOO-a-side
- Surprise - Sur-PRIZE
- Technology - Tech-NAW-l-gi
- Terrific - t-RIFF-ic (Any word that ends in ---ic, ---ics, ---ical, ---ically, stress on the syllable just before it)
- Today - to-DAY
- Toll free - TOLE-free
- Tooth - TOOOth (not tuth)
- Truth - trOOth
- Tour - TOO-er
- Tuition - tyoo-ISH-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Unless - un-LESS
- Until - un-TILL
- Update - UP-date
- Upgrade - UP-grade
- Vacancy - VAY-cn-si
- Valet - VAE-lay
- Valve - VALLv (not vaelve or vaalv)
- Vegetable - VEG-t-ble
- Verification - ver-a-fik-AY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
- Wafer - WAY-fer
- Wednesday - WENZ-day
- Women - WI-men
- Worm - WERM
- Year - Yyyear
- Zero - ZEE-ro
Now, all that you have to do is, just be cautious while talking. Speak slow to ensure that you get the pronunciations right.
All the Best!
All the Best!
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