Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Having a Difficulty in Pronouncing Basic Words?

We have collated a list of 306 frequently used and mispronounced words for you, where alongside every word is it's pronunciation in a simplified way, rather than in phonetics. Just put stress on the syllable in capitals to get the right pronunciation. You may either stretch or raise the volume of your voice on the capitalized syllable.

To start off, in case you do not know what a syllable is, let me tell you in the simplest form of English; it is nothing but word divisions, like Rosy can be divided into RO and ZEE. Similarly, Sunita can be broken into SU, NEE and TAA. Remember, the number of syllables in a word is equal to the number of times your lips change their movement…try it with the above 2 examples. Now try the work ‘encyclopedia’. How many syllables does this word have? Hope you guessed it as 6! See you got it now…isn’t that simple!!!

Pls note that these are simply part of neutral English, and not American or British sounds. This is mainly for our Asian audience.

  1. Absolutely - aeb-suh-LOOT-li
  2. Academics - aec-a-DEM-ics (Any word that ends in ---ic, ---ics, ---ical, ---ically, stress on the syllable just before it)
  3. Academy - a-CAD-a-mee
  4. Acid - ASS-id
  5. Account - a-COUNT (not 'Eccount')
  6. Activate - ACT-i-vate
  7. Actually - AEK-chu'uh-li (not ec)
  8. Addition - a-DIH-shn (not ADD-ishn) (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  9. Address - ADD-ress OR a-DRESS (Not 'ed')
  10. Adjustable - ud-JUST-tb-bl
  11. Admitted - ud-MITT-id
  12. Adult - u-DULT or AE-dlt
  13. Advantage - ud-VAAN-tij
  14. Advertisement - add-VER-tiz-mnt
  15. Aged - AYJ’d
  16. Agency - AY-jn-see
  17. Agreement - a-GREE-mnt
  18. Alert - uh-LERT
  19. Allergy - AE-ler-jee
  20. Allows - a-LAOW (not ellow)
  21. Already - all-RED-ee
  22. Alsatian - ael-SAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  23. Alternative - Al-TER-nuh-tiv
  24. America - uh-MEH-ri-kaa
  25. Apologize - a-PAUL-a-jize
  26. Applicable - ae-PLIC-uh-bl
  27. Appreciation - a-pree-cee-AY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  28. Appropriate - a-PRO-pri-ut
  29. Approximate - a-PROX-i-mt
  30. Arabic - AER-uh-bic
  31. Artificial - are-ti-FISH-ul (Any word that FISH in it, remember to stress on it)
  32. Assess - a-SESS
  33. Asset - ASS-set
  34. Asthma - AZMA
  35. Atmosphere - AT-ms-phere
  36. Avail - a-VAIL
  37. Available - a-VELL-a-bl
  38. Avenue - AE-ven-you
  39. Awry - a-RYE
  40. Balloon - bl-OON
  41. Bandage - BAN-dj
  42. Beginning - big-IN-ing
  43. Bondage - BON-dj
  44. Bough - BAAow (like Pow- wow, not like go)
  45. Bowl - BOH’l (like goal)
  46. Breakfast - BREK-f’st
  47. Brochure - bro-SHORE
  48. Buffet - BOO-fay or BUH-fay
  49. Bury - BERR-i
  50. Cabin - CAB-in
  51. Calendar - CAL-ln-der
  52. Career - cr-EE-er
  53. Cassette - k-SETT
  54. Catastrophe - c't-ASS-truh-fee
  55. Chassis - CHAE-si (chae like cat)
  56. Chic - (French) SHEEK
  57. Chores - CHOrz (not kores)
  58. Collateral - cl-LAT-er-rl
  59. Comfortable - CUMF-t-bl
  60. Commercial - cm-MER-shl
  61. Communicate - cm-MEW-ni-cate
  62. Communication - cm-mew-ni-KAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  63. Compatability - cum-pae-t-BIL-it-ee
  64. Compensation - com-pen-SAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  65. Competition - com-pt-TISH-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  66. Competitive - cm-PET-a-tiv
  67. Component - Cm-POE-n’nt
  68. Compound - COM-pound (noun)
  69. Compound - cum-POUND (verb)
  70. Computer - cum-PEW-ter
  71. Concept - CON-cept
  72. Conclude - cn-CLUDE
  73. Condemnation - con-dm-NAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  74. Condition - cn-DI-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  75. Condominium - con-dm-IN-ym
  76. Conference - CON-frens
  77. Configuration - cn-fig-ya-RAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  78. Confirmation - con-fur-MAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  79. Conflict - CON-flict
  80. Congratulations - kng-rae-ch-LAY-shns (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  81. Consultancy - cun-SUL-t’n-si
  82. Contact - CON-tact
  83. Content - (noun) CON-tent
  84. Content - (verb) Cn-TENT
  85. Continue - cn-TIN-new
  86. Contract - CON-tract (noun)
  87. Contract - cn-TRACT (verb)
  88. Controversy - cun-TRAW-ver-si
  89. Conversation - con-ver-SAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  90. Corporation - cor-po-RAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  91. Corrupt - k-RRUPT
  92. Cough - CAWf (like of)
  93. Coverage - KUV-rj
  94. Creature - CREE-cher (like teacher)
  95. Credit - CRE-dit
  96. Customer - KUS-t-mer
  97. Cycle - SIGH-cl
  98. Data - DAY-ta
  99. Decade - DEC-ade
  100. Decision - di-SI-zhn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  101. Deficiency - d-FISH-n-see (Any word that FISH in it, remember to stress on it)
  102. Deliberate - (noun) d-LIB-r’t
  103. Deliberate - (verb) d-lib-RATE
  104. Delicate - DEL-i-kt
  105. Delinquency - d-LIN-kwn-see
  106. Deliver - d-LIVE-er
  107. Demon - DEE-mun
  108. Demonstrate - DEM-un-strate
  109. Department - di-PART-mnt
  110. Dependant - d-PEN-dnt
  111. Desktop - DESK-top
  112. Detail - DEE-tail
  113. Development - d-VEL-up-mnt
  114. Diet - DAA-ay-ut(Triphthong)
  115. Division - di-VI-zhn
  116. Drought - drAAOUt (like crowd)
  117. Draught - drAAft
  118. Duplex - DYOO-plex
  119. Dynamism - die-NAE-mism
  120. Economics - ee-k-NAW-mics (Any word that ends in ---ic, ---ics, ---ical, ---ically, stress on the syllable just before it)
  121. Economy - i-CAW-n-mee
  122. Electrician - i-lec-TRI-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  123. Electricity - i-lec-TRI-ci-ty
  124. Embassy - EM-b'ssi
  125. Emergency - i-MER-jn-see
  126. Encore - (French) AAN-core
  127. Encourage - en-KUR-rj
  128. Engineer - en-jn-NEE-er
  129. Enough - i-NUFF
  130. Entourage - (French) AAN-tew-razh
  131. Entrée - (French) AAN-tre
  132. Entrepreneur - aan-tre-pre-NEWR
  133. Envelop - (verb) en-VEL-lup
  134. Envelope - AAN-ve-lope / EN-ve-lope
  135. Environment - En-VI-rn-mnt
  136. Equipment - i-KWUP-mnt
  137. Estimate - ES-tm-mt
  138. Event - i-VENT
  139. Exam - i-XAEM (like pam)
  140. Executive - eg-ZEC-ya-tiv
  141. Expert - EX-pert
  142. Facial - FAY-shl
  143. Façade - f-SAAD
  144. Facility - fs-SIL-a-tee
  145. Faculty - FAC-l-tee
  146. Family - FAM-uh-li (like Sam)
  147. Fantastic - Fan-TASS-tic (Any word that ends in ---ic, ---ics, ---ical, ---ically, stress on the syllable just before it)
  148. Faux Pas - (French) Fo-PAA (like low-paa)
  149. Florist - FLAW-rist
  150. Foreclosure - fore CLO zher
  151. Forte - for-TAY
  152. Gherkin - GER-kin
  153. Government - GOVE-mnt (like love)
  154. Gram - grAEm ( like Sam, ham, fan)
  155. Gross - grOHss
  156. H - AYCH (not etch)
  157. Hard drive - HARD drive
  158. Hardware - HARD ware
  159. Hostel - HOSS-tell (like loss)
  160. Hostess - HOES-tess (like toe)
  161. Hotel - ho-TELL
  162. Icon - i-CAWN
  163. Idea - i-DEE-a
  164. Immediately - i-MEE-diat
  165. Industry - IN-ds-tree
  166. Information - in-for-MAY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  167. Initial - in-ISH-shl
  168. Initiative - i-NISH-a-tiv
  169. Inquiry - in-KWY-ree
  170. Integral - IN-t-grl
  171. Interest - IN-trst (not trust)
  172. Interim - IN-ter-im
  173. Interpret - In-TERR-pret
  174. Internet - IN-ter-net
  175. Interrogative - in-terr-AWG-a-tiv
  176. Irreparable - ir-REP-r-bl
  177. Jalapeno - Hal-uh-PAY-no
  178. Kilometer - ki-LAW-mi-ter
  179. Language - LANG-gu-ij
  180. Lettuce - LET-iss
  181. Logistics - Law-JIS-tics (Any word that ends in ---ic, ---ics, ---ical, ---ically, stress on the syllable just before it)
  182. Lucrative - LOO-cr-tiv
  183. Maintenance - MAIN-t-nens
  184. Mandatory - MAN-day-tri / MAN-day-toe-ri
  185. Maternity - Mt-ER-nt-tee
  186. Maturity - M-CHYORE-a-tee
  187. Mauve - MOH-vv (like go)
  188. Menu - MEN-you
  189. Messenger - MES-sn-jer
  190. Methodology - Meth-DAW-l-gi
  191. Mobile - MO-bile
  192. Modem - MOE-dm
  193. Monger - MUN-ger or MON-ger
  194. Mortgage - MOR-gij
  195. Mountain - MOUN-t’n
  196. Naïve - naa-EVE
  197. Necessary - NES-a-sr-ee
  198. Necessity - ns-CES-a-tee
  199. Nuance - NEW-aance
  200. Official - uh-FISH-ul (Any word that FISH in it, remember to stress on it)
  201. Only - OWN-li (not ‘awnly’)
  202. Onion - UN-yn
  203. Ordinance - OR-dn-nnce
  204. Origination - a-rij-in-AY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  205. Operating - AW-per-ay-ting
  206. Occurred - a-CURD
  207. Opponent - uh-POE-n'nt
  208. Opportunity - aw-per-CHOO-n(uh)-tee (like copper)
  209. Opposite - AWP-a-zit
  210. Oregano - er-IG-uh-no or or-ee-GAE-no
  211. Orchid - OR-kid
  212. Parameter - p-RAM-i-ter
  213. Participate - Per-TIS-i-payt
  214. Particular - per-TIK-yoo-ler
  215. Passenger - PAS-sn-jer
  216. Pedestal - PE-des-tal
  217. Penalty - PEN-nl-tee
  218. Percentage - per-SEN-tij
  219. Petite - (French) p-TEET
  220. Petrol - PET-rl
  221. Plumber - PLUH-mmer
  222. Preliminary - Pri-lim-in-AIR-ee
  223. Physiology - Fiz(i)-AW-logy
  224. Police - pu-LEECE
  225. Potato - p-TAY-toe
  226. Poverty - PAW-ver-tee
  227. Private - PRI-vt (not vate)
  228. Pint - PIEnt (like Pine)
  229. Pizza - (Italian) PEET-za
  230. Prefer - Prif-ER
  231. President - PREZ-a-dent
  232. Precedent - PRE-si-dent (noun)
  233. Premise - PRE-miss
  234. Priority - pry-OR-a-tee
  235. Process - PROH-cess, PRAW-cess (noun)
  236. Process - pro-CESS (verb)
  237. Processor - PRAW-se-sir
  238. Product - PROH-duct, PRAW-duct
  239. Probably - PRAW-b'b-lee
  240. Pronounce - pro-NOUNCE
  241. Pronunciation - pro-nun-ci-AY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  242. Purchase - PUR-chz
  243. Psychology - sy-CAW-l-gi
  244. Question - QUES-chn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  245. Quiet - QuAA-ay-ut (like daa-ay-ut)
  246. Radar - RAY-dar
  247. Realize - REE-a-lise
  248. Really - REE-a-lee
  249. Receipt - ri-SEAT
  250. Record - RE-curd (noun)
  251. Record - ri-CORD (verb)
  252. Recurring - ri-CURR-ing
  253. Refer - rif-ER
  254. Referral - Rif-ER-rl ('er' like bear)
  255. Referred - ri-FERRD
  256. Refurbished - REE-fur-bishd
  257. Registry - RE-jis-tree (like red)
  258. Reign - RAIN
  259. Rendezvous - (French) RON-day-voo
  260. Repetitive - Ri-PET-a-tiv
  261. Representative - rep-rz-ZEN-t-tiv
  262. Resource - REE-source
  263. Sacred - SAYK-r’d
  264. Salad - SAEL-ed (like pan)
  265. Suite - SwEEt
  266. Satire - SAE-tire
  267. Sentence - SEN-tns
  268. Sew - SO ( like go)
  269. Sewer - SOOO-er
  270. Support - s-PORT
  271. Satisfaction - sat-iss-FAK-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  272. Software - SOFT-ware
  273. Screw - SCROO
  274. Signature - SIG-n(uh)-chr
  275. Specific - Sp-SIF-fik (Any word that ends in ---ic, ---ics, ---ical, ---ically, stress on the syllable just before it)
  276. Sponge - SPUN-j
  277. Statistically - St-TIS-tik-a-li (Any word that ends in ---ic, ---ics, ---ical, ---ically, stress on the syllable just before it)
  278. Statistics - St-TIS-tics (Any word that ends in ---ic, ---ics, ---ical, ---ically, stress on the syllable just before it)
  279. Suave - SOOAAV
  280. Success - sk-CESS
  281. Suggestion - s-JESS-chn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  282. Suicide - SOO-a-side
  283. Surprise - Sur-PRIZE
  284. Technology - Tech-NAW-l-gi
  285. Terrific - t-RIFF-ic (Any word that ends in ---ic, ---ics, ---ical, ---ically, stress on the syllable just before it)
  286. Today - to-DAY
  287. Toll free - TOLE-free
  288. Tooth - TOOOth (not tuth)
  289. Truth - trOOth
  290. Tour - TOO-er
  291. Tuition - tyoo-ISH-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  292. Unless - un-LESS
  293. Until - un-TILL
  294. Update - UP-date
  295. Upgrade - UP-grade
  296. Vacancy - VAY-cn-si
  297. Valet - VAE-lay
  298. Valve - VALLv (not vaelve or vaalv)
  299. Vegetable - VEG-t-ble
  300. Verification - ver-a-fik-AY-shn (Any word ending with ---tion, ---sion, ---cion, please stress on the syllable just before it - these syllables are pronounced as 'shun' of 'zhun')
  301. Wafer - WAY-fer
  302. Wednesday - WENZ-day
  303. Women - WI-men
  304. Worm - WERM
  305. Year - Yyyear
  306. Zero - ZEE-ro
Now, all that you have to do is, just be cautious while talking. Speak slow to ensure that you get the pronunciations right.

All the Best! 


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